A visit to the hospital does not usually show what happens in the trunk. It is here where lost blood and body tissues and parts from surgeries, pharmaceuticals, medicine bottles — tonnes of hospital waste — go through. In the instance of the Kenyatta National Hospital, this might be as much as one tonne a…
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hot medical waste disposing machine, Operation Condition: 8-16 hr/ day Control: Built-in data recording Operating temperature: Incinerator /Primary Combustion Chamber Primary Chamber: 900 – 1200 0C Type: horizontal/vertical Temperature: 1200- 1300 oC Residence time of gases : >2 seconds Ash Residue: <5% of original waste size Ash Handling System: Both Automatic and manual removal of Ash. Must ensure removal/treatment of hazardous remnants of ash Flue gas treatment system : Capable of treating the flow of flue gas as the incinerator is operating at its maximum capacity Auxiliary device: Water level gauge, pressure sensor, PH sensor..etc Auxiliary device: Fuel cut-off device Waste feeding mechanism: Automatic pneumatic/hydraulic waste loading system or conveyor belt , capacity 650-800 L at a time Chimney (Stack): Type: Vertical type height:>7 meter’ Material: Fireproof cast, stainless steel OUTPUT: GAS- SMOKELESS,ODORLESS ASH -Max <5% of original waste size Reduction of Pollutant gas SO2, HCL, HF and line particulate Emission standard: WHO/ European Test report for emission testing provided? Heat exchange mode: Automatic Type: Constant loading, Top LoadingCapacity/Burn Speed per hour: 250 -300 kg/hr Substance:External- 3 layers Internal lining: a fire proof material of pre-fired refractory bricks Using Aluminium lining, resistant to corrosive Gas or Waste and Also to thermal shockSecondary Combustion Chamber:
Technische Spezifikation für Brennmaschine, Hersteller von Verbrennungsanlagen für tierische Abfälle 1. Im Süden des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien müssen zwei Systeme installiert werden. Die beiden Systeme werden von der Zollbehörde verwendet, um verschiedene Arten von Drogen zu verbrennen. Alle benötigten Geräte müssen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. 2. Garantie: Für Standsysteme muss ab dem Datum der Abnahme eine…
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hot medical waste disposing machine, Operation Condition: 8-16 hr/ day Control: Built-in data recording Operating temperature: Incinerator /Primary Combustion Chamber Primary Chamber: 900 – 1200 0C Type: horizontal/vertical Temperature: 1200- 1300 oC Residence time of gases : >2 seconds Ash Residue: <5% of original waste size Ash Handling System: Both Automatic and manual removal of Ash. Must ensure removal/treatment of hazardous remnants of ash Flue gas treatment system : Capable of treating the flow of flue gas as the incinerator is operating at its maximum capacity Auxiliary device: Water level gauge, pressure sensor, PH sensor..etc Auxiliary device: Fuel cut-off device Waste feeding mechanism: Automatic pneumatic/hydraulic waste loading system or conveyor belt , capacity 650-800 L at a time Chimney (Stack): Type: Vertical type height:>7 meter’ Material: Fireproof cast, stainless steel OUTPUT: GAS- SMOKELESS,ODORLESS ASH -Max <5% of original waste size Reduction of Pollutant gas SO2, HCL, HF and line particulate Emission standard: WHO/ European Test report for emission testing provided? Heat exchange mode: Automatic Type: Constant loading, Top LoadingCapacity/Burn rate per hour: 250 -300 kg/hr Substance:External- 3 layers Internal Liner: a fire proof material of pre-fired refractory bricks Using Aluminium Liner resistant to corrosive Gas or Waste and Also to thermal shockSecondary Combustion Chamber:
In assessing these options, the U.S. military held the assumption that the present dumpsite situated at Puntan Diablo on Tinian — the area where the Chinese team of investors is planning to develop in an integrated resort — will be closed and that a transfer station has been considered. MARFORPAC environmental specialist Sherri Eng said…
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